Follow Eli on the Vlog Channel: Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: July 29, 2010 Length of Class: 12 Minutes Tracks Networking Prerequisites Introduction to Networking Purpose of Class This class shows students how wireless access points can be used to connect networks. Topics Covered Why Wireless Bridges Are Used Creating a Wireless Bridge Class Notes Wireless bridges can be used to connect networks in separate buildings, or inside of buildings where network cable cannot be run. You cannot use 2 wireless routers to create a bridge. One side HAS to be a dedicated Wireless Access Point In the Wireless Access Point set the access point to Bridge mode, and then enter the MAC address of the Wireless Router or Access Point it is connecting to. You can attach high powered antennas to the access points to make them work better. If you are going to use real time communication the bridge should be created with 802.11n equipment